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LEGO 45501 EV3 dobíjateľná DC batéria

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Detaily produktu

Oficiálny názov LEGO EV3 dobíjateľná DC batéria
SKU 45501
EAN 673419279031
Kusy 1
Cena LEGO 66,49 €

Popis produktu

The lithium ion EV3 Rechargeable DC Battery is designed for use with the EV3 Intelligent Brick and features a capacity of 2050 mAh. It provides longer run time than AA batteries and can be charged without taking the model apart. The battery is included in the EV3 Education Core Set and has a charge time of around three to four hours. It requires the 45517 DC Charger, which is the same charger as used for the rechargeable NXT DC Battery. These are sold separately.

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